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북한 앱 개발 소식 전한 NKNEWS


(2014-11-02)북한 앱 개발 소식 전한 NKNEWS



북한 전문 매체인 NKNEWS에서 제 블로그 내용을 인용해 북한 앱 개발에 관한 소식을 전해주셨습니다.


NKNEWS에서는 제가 취재한 내용과 자체적으로 취재, 분석하신 내용 그리고 전문가분의 의견을 담아서 심도있는 기사를 소개해 주셨습니다.


제가 취재한 내용을 알아주시고 신뢰해 주신 NKNEWS와 강태준 기자님께 진심으로 감사드립니다.



Inside a North Korean mobile app

South Korean technology expert investigates a North Korean mobile app


A South Korean technology expert has looked into mobile game apps made by a North Korean programmer to see what kind of programs he or she used, and how far North Korea’s mobile app-making skills have come.

The target app was called “Nice Pig.” made by the username “Youngil Kim” or “silverstar1010,” and was made through widely used programs such as java eclipse, Cocos2D and the iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK).

“Those programs are the ones most commonly used by  mobile app makers, and it seems like North Korean app makers are following this trend when it comes to making mobile phone apps,” said Kang Jin-gyu, the manager of tech blog Digital Hurricane.

He explained that java eclipse is widely used among students who study computer science, and iPhone SDK is distributed by Apple for those who want to make mobile phone apps. He added Cocos2D is also one of the common programs app makers frequently use.





NKNEWS 기사 원문




그리고 NKNEWS 내용을 비지니스인사이더에서 인용했습니다.


비지니스인사이더 인용 기사

North Korea Is Using Infected Mobile Games To Hack The Phones Of South Koreans

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/north-korea-used-mobile-games-to-hack-20000-south-koreans-2014-10#ixzz3HtLFpmA3


블로그 기사

(2014-10-08) 북한이 개발한 게임 앱 소스코드 입수 분석해 보니

 - 자바 이클립스, 아이폰 SDK 3.0으로 앱 개발하는 북한




강진규 기자 wingofwolf@gmail.com